Advice IT
Every need you have is unique, we provide a professional solution for IT.

PKI (Public Key Infrastructure)

what is it, how it works, Industries

Fundamental part of IT Security 

Enable a secure comunication between users and devices over public networks

Set of tools and services that comprise a comprehensive authentication system

You keep secret in a container, when you authenticate to the PKI system, the container shows the proof of possession, but do not release the secret itself 

Fundamental part of IT Security

Securing your digital business

Encryption approach for both small business and large enterprises
Design, implement, manage the infrastructure which meet your needs
Security engineers to define the overall security architecture
Security compliance regulations
Hardware and/or software environment
Strong partnership with the main global PKI players
Integration with various solutions and services
On premises and as a service deployments

What do we do?

AdiviceIT is the exclusive partner in Romania for :

Entrust Datacard

Use Cases

  • Secure your Enterprise (e-mails, VPN, Intranet, documents)
  • Machine Readable Documents (ePassport, eID card, health card, driving license)
  • National Public Key Directories Integration
  • Internal Bank/Company Security –own internal Certification Authority
  • Card issuing and acceptance service providers –scalable and high availability PKI
  • Mobile ID online access and sign
  • Documents and Contracts Signing Solutions
  • Industrial Internet Of Things –PKI is managing critical devices and users
  • Certificate Management, Time Stamping for Qualified Services Providers
  • • Software Code Signing (Win/Java/Android apps, firmwares, plugins/addons)